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Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Board of Directors -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Curriculum -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
How You Can Help -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Contact Us -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Location Map -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation


Who We Are

The San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Corporation (SJRIHEC) is a non-profit educational center, acknowledged by the State of California to operate a cultural and environmental learning center.

SJRIHEC provides education and promotes traditional Native American awareness through crafts, stories and experience with plants, animals, and the environment. Our programs' goals are to help impart understanding, promote self reliance and respect through education, experience and contact with positive knowledgeable indigenous peoples. Our educators and visiting speakers have background and expertise in Forestry, Archeology, including Naturalists and Native Americans versed in the different aspects of the program curriculum. Our goal is to retain our precious history as we teach both participants and educators.

Our program emphasis is on one-day events including nature walks, hands on projects and lectures for participants,   as well as facility tours. A variety of special events of varying lengths will be offered, as well as an "out of school" program for local youth. San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation is currently providing programs for Fresno and Madera County school districts as well as specific programs for educators. An accredited college workshop is presently in development.

Our programs, are appropriate for ages five through eighteen with family participation workshops  with  special events scheduled. Programs are offered for those participants with special needs and will be scheduled when necessary. Special need participants are carefully guided through the program with sensitivity to the individuals and their requirements.

The  Executive Director, staff and special consultants of SJRIHEC are all Native American and add a unique and personal knowledge  to  the program philosophy and curriculum.

This is an educational, hands on learning experience center for Native American philosophy, ecology, crafts and history. SJRIHEC does not teach ceremonies. Ceremonies are precious and are taught by people who have spent a life time of commitment and learning to those who are ready to learn and participate in them. Those who attend Native American ceremonies seem to find them when they are ready.

© 2001 - 2008 SJRIHEC