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Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Board of Directors -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Curriculum -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
How You Can Help -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Contact Us -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Location Map -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
SJRIHEC is a member of:

San Joaquin River Trail Council

Sierra Nevada Alliance


The San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation (SJRIHEC) is dedicated to working with youth and adults in the preservation of Native American philosophy and has made a commitment to preserving the ecology through hands on experience. SJRIHEC operates in two Learning Centers, the main site at the old Chawanakee School and the San Joaquin River Gorge facility located at the Bureau of Land Management San Joaquin River Gorge Recreational Area in Auberry, California.

The Chawanakee School Learning Center, main facility for the San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation (SJRIHEC), is truly a one of a kind facility. Snow capped peaks and the walls of the canyons of the San Joaquin River frame the setting for Chawanakee. The Learning Center is located within the San Joaquin River Gorge amid oak and pine trees, with deer, mountain quail, and other wildlife to enjoy and appreciate. The surrounding area is rich in history, and contains areas that have been used by Native people for hundreds of years for gathering and trade. Accessible by County maintained roads, the Learning Center is far from the maddening crowds, and yet is only an hour and a half from the Fresno-Yosemite International Airport. It sits at the upper end of Redinger Lake and is close to Shaver Lake, Huntington Lake, Sierra Summit Ski Area, the Kaiser, and Dinkey Lakes Wilderness, as well as many other special places.

Nature Trail - SJRIHEC Click here to view a slide show about the Chawanakee Learning Center and Nature Trail.

The Chawanakee Learning Center includes four large classrooms, a library, a privately owned museum, an art studio, a shop area, blacktopped playground area, a gymnasium and tennis court, and a central office. It can accommodate approximately 80 students and staff. Nearby, a nature trail has been established to provide visitors with examples and explanations of the uses of native plants and plant recognition.

The Learning Center offers tours for schools and institutions, as well as individuals. The hands on experience and introduction to Native American art, survival skills, ecological practices, and philosophy by knowledgeable, dedicated individuals help promote self-confidence and encourage positive behavior.

The San Joaquin River Gorge Learning Center is located in Auberry on the Bureau of Land Management's San Joaquin River Gorge property. This learning center includes a nature trail, Indian village and privately owned museum.

The SJRIHEC is a non-profit organization, and is completely funded by donations of time, resources, and money. We are in the process of renovating the Chawanakee School site and welcome your help and participation.

© 2001 - 2008 SJRIHEC