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Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Who We Are -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Board of Directors -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Curriculum -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
How You Can Help -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Contact Us -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation
Location Map -  SJRIHEC - San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation


Our Purpose

The purpose of San Joaquin River Intertribal Heritage Educational Corporation (SJRIHEC) is to promote a symbiotic relationship between individuals and their environment through education and understanding of plants, animals, geology and history, and through exposure to Native American philosophy, arts and crafts, and individual interaction with their surroundings.

History, rich beyond the imagination of many, is a doorway to a fuller experience of the world today. Many Native Americans have preserved the knowledge of their ancestors and continue to gather plants, roots and nuts for their food and arts and crafts.

Our environment tells the history of its inhabitants. Archeological sites are often significant to the descendants of the area and can be a direct tie to their own families. SJRIHEC is committed to providing a positive impact on the future of our participants and the environment they live in, and hopes to instill a sense of responsibility that we all have in protecting and preserving the integrity of our natural environment.

Tours, lectures, videos, hands on lessons and projects will be implemented at the SJRIHEC's facility and the surrounding area. Presenters will be from a variety of disciplines, including the Department of Forestry, Native Americans, Archaeologists, and Naturalists, who will give demonstrations and have hands-on projects for participants.

© 2001 - 2008 SJRIHEC